Date of Award

Spring 3-19-2024

Document Type


Degree Name

PHD - Doctor of Philosophy



First Advisor

Dr. Victoria Gill

Second Advisor

Dr. Rio López

Third Advisor

Dr. Kelvin Ramirez


This study explored challenges non-Indigenous educators face in centering Indigenous histories

and experiences in anti-racist professional development (PD) workshops for PK-12 educators. It addressed the process of transforming anti-racist PD and the significance of learning from Native American community members. The invisibility of Indigenous Peoples extends beyond physical aspects tied to attempted genocide and includes the invisibility of the political rights of tribal citizens. It encompasses exclusion from historical conversations, anti-racism research, and statistical data. In contrast, the hypervisibility of stereotypical images and inaccurate information starkly contrasts the invisibility of authentic images and accurate resources. The Indigenous methodology of two-eye seeing is employed. It intertwines the author's personal experiences in decolonizing professional development through testimonio while complementing the research data. Narrative interviews, conducted through criterion sampling, involved seven non-Indigenous educators actively engaged in decolonizing efforts. With an average teaching experience of 19.8 years (range: 7 to 43) and an average decolonizing commitment of 11.1 years (range: 3 to 43), participants included five white women and two of color identifying as Black. Following analysis, 2 Indigenous focus groups provided feedback on eight identified strategies, leading to developing 20 Steps for Decolonizing Anti-Racism PD. This research informs educational practices, contributes to anti-racist initiatives, and promotes a more inclusive and respectful approach to Indigenous knowledge within the educator professional development setting.

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Education Commons




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