Date of Award

Spring 5-18-2024

Document Type


Degree Name

PHD - Doctor of Philosophy



First Advisor

Dr. Jo Ann Gammel

Second Advisor

Dr. Jen Dolan

Third Advisor

Dr. Barbara Govendo


Adults adopted in childhood often face a heightened susceptibility to psychological and behavioral challenges compared with their non-adopted peers. Scholars examining this phenomenon associate various factors, including an adoptee’s sense of self as an individual within a complex adoption background. This qualitative study utilized a material engagement theory to explore birth through adoptive narratives among adults adopted in closed settings during childhood. Through participatory research, participants examined a range of artifacts related to maternal relinquishment, encompassing foster and adoption records, original birth certificates, letters, photographs, birthmarks, clothing, hair, scars, and DNA test results. The study focused on understanding these artifacts’ societal and cultural influence in shaping adoptive identity. Data analysis contextualized the social, economic, cultural, and historic elements surrounding maternal relinquishment. Through their engagement with artifacts, participants gained crucial insights into their identities, uncovering adoption-related secrets while clarifying the complexities of their birth through adoption narratives. Findings accentuated the role of birth and adoption-related artifacts in facilitating an exploration of beliefs, values, ideas, attitudes, and assumptions regarding adoption while providing a framework for understanding how these factors contribute to one’s sense of self, relationships, family, and culture. This object-oriented approach to investigating adoptive identity offers valuable insights for future research in adoption studies.

Key Words: adoption, artifacts, identity

Creative Commons License

Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.



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