
The objective of this presentation is to share the results of an auto-ethnographic arts based research project that explores the holistic healing possibilities with the art of Flamenco, which hypothesizes that flamenco can be considered an expressive arts therapy approach.

Flamenco an art form that is born of profound emotion, facilitating the process of self-knowledge and allowing individuals connect with their inner self to find their true identity, their DUENDE. We will begin by describing the origins and roots of flamenco to understand the nature of this art and thus demonstrate that its essence has a therapeutic component. We assert that expressive flamenco can be used as a tool to facilitate the process of self-knowledge which accesses the spectrum of human emotions and thus allowing authentic expression to emerge. Detailed information regarding the current auto-ethnographic arts based research will be presented.The presentation will close with an Expressive Flamenco workshop where all participants will have the opportunity to learn some flamenco movements, feel the intensity of the music in their bodies and connect with/express through Flamenco movements. This experimental workshop may help participants to connect with their inner DUENDE, their true identity.

Author Type

Graduate Student

Start Date

28-3-2018 1:10 PM

End Date

28-3-2018 2:00 PM

Presentation Type



Multicultural Psychology

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Mar 28th, 1:10 PM Mar 28th, 2:00 PM

Expressive Flamenco: Healing possibilities with the art of Flamenco

U-Hall 3-092

The objective of this presentation is to share the results of an auto-ethnographic arts based research project that explores the holistic healing possibilities with the art of Flamenco, which hypothesizes that flamenco can be considered an expressive arts therapy approach.

Flamenco an art form that is born of profound emotion, facilitating the process of self-knowledge and allowing individuals connect with their inner self to find their true identity, their DUENDE. We will begin by describing the origins and roots of flamenco to understand the nature of this art and thus demonstrate that its essence has a therapeutic component. We assert that expressive flamenco can be used as a tool to facilitate the process of self-knowledge which accesses the spectrum of human emotions and thus allowing authentic expression to emerge. Detailed information regarding the current auto-ethnographic arts based research will be presented.The presentation will close with an Expressive Flamenco workshop where all participants will have the opportunity to learn some flamenco movements, feel the intensity of the music in their bodies and connect with/express through Flamenco movements. This experimental workshop may help participants to connect with their inner DUENDE, their true identity.