Date of Award

Spring 5-20-2023

Document Type


Degree Name

MAE - Master of Arts in Expressive Therapies


Expressive Therapies


Laura Wood


The public school system in the United States is experiencing an increasing crisis in teacher retention and effectiveness due, in part, to the effects of burnout on teaching staff. Teachers often face significant stressors such as tense parent-teacher relationships, state and federal mandates on testing, low financial compensation and limited benefits, and negative sociocultural stereotypes about their roles and responsibilities as educators (Westervelt, 2016; von der Embse et al., 2019). These stressors, if not managed effectively on an individual and systemic level, can lead to burnout (Maslach, 2001). This condition involves symptoms such as emotional and physical exhaustion, disinvestment from responsibilities, and a sense of inadequacy or ineffectiveness in one’s performance. This literature review examines current research into how burnout develops as well as how it may be addressed with individual teachers and through the public school systems in which they work, with interventions such as psychoeducation, mindfulness, and narrative therapy. Then, it considers literature relating to drama therapy and its use in school settings and suggests that narradrama, may be another approach to treating burnout in teachers.

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