Date of Award

Spring 5-22-2021

Document Type


Degree Name

MA - Master of Arts


Expressive Therapies


Dr. Vivien Marcow Speiser


In this critical literature review, the question of how to reclaim voice and re-empower self following singular or multiple experiences of sexual trauma by means of utilizing photo narrative therapy is explored. Cognitive processing therapy, a general trauma-informed framework, narrative therapy, and a creative arts therapy lens, specifically art therapy, focusing on the use of photography and writing, is used to analyze this topic. Sexual trauma and violence is pervasive, with research often focusing on women and involving traditional methods of psychotherapy as treatment. Photography, phototherapy, and narrative have become emerging interventions that have a place in helping individuals grow post-trauma due to the fact that meaning is created subjectively, and all experience is individualized no matter if a trauma is collective. Throughout this thesis, an underlying theme of necessary agents to create change and further post-traumatic growth emerges. An art therapy-based methodology utilizing a photo narrative technique is proposed, taking an autoethnographic approach to using this methodology and the literature reviewed.

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