Date of Award

Spring 5-3-2024

Document Type


Degree Name

MA - Master of Arts


Expressive Therapies


Madoka Urhausen


The topic under investigation focuses on the complex process of identity formation in adoptees, particularly those in transracial and international adoption scenarios. Grounding this topic in theory, the author draws from psychological and sociological perspectives. The literature illustrates key factors in adoptees' identity formation, and it emphasizes the importance of family involvement and cultural connections in integrating identities, as well as the role of cultural ties in understanding racial identities. The conclusion from this study reveals the complexities and clinical considerations of adoptee identity formation, showing their challenges in combining birth and adoptive cultures. It underscores the value of art therapy in therapeutic practices for adoptees, contributing to a deeper comprehension of how adoption affects identity. The findings advocate for culturally sensitive therapeutic methods and enhanced social services and policies, promoting empathy for adoptees.

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