Date of Award

Spring 5-18-2024

Document Type


Degree Name

MAE - Master of Arts in Expressive Therapies


Expressive Therapies


Basel Zayed, MS


Experiencing traumatic events can have a profound impact on individuals, ranging from mild distress to severe symptoms. Trauma is prevalent, and there are numerous studies on potential treatments. However, it is surprising that there is a lack of research on how therapists' own trauma background affects their work with clients and the therapeutic relationship. This literature review examines the intersection of trauma, therapy, and the concept of the "wounded healer," particularly within the context of expressive art therapy. This study discusses how expressive art therapists' personal experiences with trauma can influence their therapeutic approaches. It examines the potential benefits and challenges associated with being a "wounded healer." and whether expressive art therapy reinforces the wounded healer dynamic. Through a literature review, the author explores the complexities and consequences of being a wounded healer and how this archetype relates to the outcome of treating trauma. The author discusses how expressive art therapists can navigate the gap between their history and their clients' experiences while also exploring how the therapist's wounds can be valuable in clinical practice.

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