"The Art Institute of Boston Course Catalog (1968-1969)" by The Art Institute of Boston



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It is the purpose of the School of Practical Art to train students so thoroughly in the various phases of commercial art, that they may upon completion of the course earn a good living in their chosen career. Earnest effort and thorough preparation are necessary if the student is to become successful professionally. Enthusiastic and excellent working habits must be developed early and maintained throughout the course. Deadlines must be given and met punctually. Good design, composition, color and technical skill must be evident in all finished work. In preparation for this high standard the beginner receives a thorough foundation of basic work in graphic analysis, principles of freehand drawing, constructive design, composition, perspective, lettering, color theory, anatomy and life drawing. This is followed by the practical application of fundamentals. Here problems are assigned which are in every respect similar to those which will be met in professional practice. During this period it is necessary that the student acquire some knowledge of the processes of engraving and printing so that work may be properly prepared for reproduction. The latest trends in advertising, business practices and procedures, reproductive methods, type styles and printing papers are also stressed. The School of Practical Art offers all of these opportunities for complete preparation. The schedule covers the foundation work in a thorough and interesting manner and our system of individual instruction enables the student to receive the utmost value from this training.

Publication Date



Boston, MA


Archives, Art School, School of Practical Art, Course Catalog, Art Education, Drawing, Commercial Art, Illustration, Advertising, Fashion Drawing


Art Education | Art Practice | Fashion Design | Fine Arts | Graphic Design | Illustration | Industrial and Product Design | Painting

The Art Institute of Boston Course Catalog (1968-1969)
