The School of Practical Art as its name implies is devoted entirely to the teaching of only such branches of drawing as have a commercial value and fills a long felt want among art students with a living to make. By a new and direct method of instruction which is entirely individual, the student may acquire in a remarkable short time the really practical knowledge of modern Commercial Art; its application in all its branches; its rendering in all the various mediums ect., which is absolutely necessary to pursue art as a business with any assurance of success.
Publication Date
School of Practical Art
Boston, MA
Archives, Art School, School of Practical Art, Course Catalog, Art Education, Drawing, Commerical Art, Illustration, Advertising, Fashion Drawing
Art and Design | Art Education | Art Practice | Fashion Design | Fine Arts | Graphic Design | Illustration | Industrial and Product Design
Recommended Citation
Practical Art, School of, "School of Practical Art Course Catalog (1918-1919)" (1918). Art Institute of Boston (AIB) Course Catalogs. 4.

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Art Education Commons, Art Practice Commons, Fashion Design Commons, Fine Arts Commons, Graphic Design Commons, Illustration Commons, Industrial and Product Design Commons