This issue features works created by Lesley University students and covers a broad range of topics. The work itself crosses many disciplines from creative writing to visual arts.
Publication Date
Spring 1996
Document Type
Lesley University
Cambridge, Ma
Student Works, Creative Writing, Short Stories, Poetry, Visual Arts, Drawing, Photography
Creative Writing | Fiction | Illustration | Nonfiction | Photography | Poetry
Recommended Citation
Commonthought Staff, "Commonthought Vol.7 (1996)" (1996). Commonthought. 15.

Included in
Fiction Commons, Illustration Commons, Nonfiction Commons, Photography Commons, Poetry Commons
Prose & Short Fiction
04 Shayna Bloom "A Brief Fairy Tale"
09 Judith Beth Cohen, "The Silent Women of the Scottish Glenn"
14 Amy McCarthy, "From Humiliation to Admiration"
18 Jennifer Karsten, "Falling Through the Crack"
26 Deanna Phipps, "To Marie"
31 Catie Knake, "Casey at the Bat"
36 S. Jordan Simms, "Lipstick"
39 Hanna Frank, "Beats of Death"
48 Conni Manoli-Skocay, "Finding Martha's Vineyard"
01 Deanna Phipps, "Breakfast"
02 Jim Buscemi, "Harvard Square"
03 Abbott Malloy, "To a Sand Shark Julie"
07 Jen Paris, "If Only l Could"
08 Amanda Osborne, "Unforgiving"
12 Jodie Fisher, "Where Did She Come From"
13 Manan Nappi, "Confusion"
17 Erin Rutkauskas,"Cliche Poem"
22 Professor Beverly Smith,"Learning So Profound"
23 Kim Keenan, "Who I Am"
25 Beverly Schley "A Child's Silent Cry"
28 Rosalind Hams,"Visit from Mom"
29 Anonymous,"Friendship"
30 Jim Buscemi,"The Prisoner"
33 Amy Hand,"Yesterday"
34 King Kwan Kathy Cheng, "Learning Through the Eyes of Children"
38 Heidi Kirchofer, "Wake Up Sisters!"
47 Jill Stringer,"Holiday"
50 Amanda Crawford, "Life of Red Heart"
52 Caitlin Sullivan,"Candlelight"
53 Archie Roberts,"Another End of Something"
Drawings & Photography
01 Mayumi Kitaoka,"For Breakfast"
06 Lena Hodge,"Untitled"
24 Richard Rogers,"Breakfast Series—#4"
32 Mayumi Kitaoka,"Untitled"
51 Cecily W. Bressel, "Recycling Center"