"Commonthought, Vol 19 (Fall 2008)" by Commonthought Staff



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This issue features works created by Lesley University students and covers a broad range of topics. The work itself crosses many disciplines from creative writing to visual arts.

Publication Date

Fall 2008

Document Type



Lesley University


Cambridge, MA


Student Work, Creative Writing, Poetry, Visual Arts


Creative Writing | Illustration | Painting | Photography | Poetry



04 Joshua Innocent, "Grimsday"

20 Martin Maguire, "Where do stories go when the storyteller stops before they' re finished?"

32 Alexandra Hanley, "Something"

37 Hannah Neale, "Untitled"

47 Steven Fineman, "A Cat You Say?"

59 Jake Bison, "A Dilemma"

74 Jeremy Gray, "The Steps of Melodrama"

76 Kathryn Greer, "I May Never Blow My Nose Again"

80 Katrina Freund,"Airport"

82 Andy Corrine, "The Circle of Death Swings Around Us Stitched To The Sewing Klatch"

88 Christina Hughs, "Myrrh Is Mine, Its Bitter Peifume"


01 Cat Brennan, "Saving the Seasons: A Sonnet"

02 Susan Merrifield, "An Ice Storm in Carroll, Maine"

27 Ella Stiler-Cote, "Frozen"

27 Ella Stiler-Cote, "Heat"

29 Anonymous, "The Lark"

31 Amanda Bean-"Found"

57 Susan Merrifield, "Dialogue with a Dead Man"

64 Ashley De Pasquale, "Untitled"

65 Val Maloof, "Trip to the MFA"

67 Justin Goodstein-Aue, "Intuition"

68 Brendan Phillips, "Genesis"

72 David Cocco, "Thoughts Upon Waking"

96 Hollie Brandstatter, "6:15"

98 Olga Gades, "When poetry dies"


19 Shaun McNiff, "Walnut Street 3" (2006)

26 Alexandra Hanley, "Bench and Trash"

56 Alexandra Hanley, "Untitled"

58 Richard Cranford, "Variation"

66 Shaun McNiff, "Squam Rock 3" (2005)

71 Richard Cranford, "Guatemala"

79 Richard Cranford, "Nasturtimus"

95 Alexandra Hanley, "Textured Wall"

Contributor's Note's

100 Amanda Bean, Jason Bison, Cat Brennan,Holly , Brandstatter, Andy Cerrato , David Cocco

101 Richard Crariford, Ashley De Pasquele, Steven Fineman, Katrina Freund, Justin Goodstein-Aue, Olga Gades, Jeremy Gray

102 Kathryn Greer, Alexandra Hanley, Christina Hughs, Joshua Innocent, Martin Maguire , Val Maloef, Shaun McNiff

103 Susan R. Merrifield, Hannah Neale, Brendan Phillips, Ella Stiler-Cote

Commonthought, Vol 19 (Fall 2008)
