Proposal Title

Breaking Humanity's Chain of Pain: Mentoring Psychospiritual Maturation and Inclusive Community

Presenter Information

Jared KassFollow


Breaking Humanity's Chain of Pain is an ethical responsibility that we share as faculty, students, professionals, and citizens. This wheel of suffering is a toxic, repetitive, inter-generational cycle of trauma, dysfunctional and broken families, moral indifference to victimization of the other, and despair. It creates an escalating pattern of destructive emotions, substance dependence, violence, constricted empathic capacities, interpersonal and inter-group conflicts, and profound personal disconnection from the compassionate wisdom that can be experienced in the existential core of each person's being. In schools and higher education, Humanity's Chain of Pain undermines inclusive community, engaged learning, and academic success.

During his forty-year career as a mental health clinician, university professor, and social science researcher, Dr. Jared Kass has investigated the psychological and social dynamics through which Humanity's Chain of Pain perpetuates itself so effectively and perniciously. As an antidote, he has developed and tested a curriculum, Know Your Self, that promotes healing in self and society. Specifically, the curriculum mentors growth in five dimensions of self and society which can become dysregulated by Humanity's Chain of Pain: Bio-Behavioral, Cognitive-Sociocultural, Social-Emotional, Existential-Spiritual, and Integrative Worldview Formation.

In A Person-Centered Approach to Psychospiritual Maturation: Mentoring Psychological Resilience and Inclusive Community in Higher Education (Palgrave MacMillan), Kass reports results from his research project and describes the curriculum.

This presentation will discuss the five dimensions of psychospiritual development, how this growth can heal Humanity's Chain of Pain, and how this growth can help individuals build culturally-inclusive community and compassionate connections to self and others.

Start Date

27-3-2019 1:00 PM

End Date

27-3-2019 1:50 PM

Room Number

U-Hall 3-087

Presentation Type



Community Psychology | Counseling | Education | Health Psychology | Higher Education | Leadership Studies | Multicultural Psychology | Psychology | Religion | Social Psychology | Sociology | Transpersonal Psychology

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Mar 27th, 1:00 PM Mar 27th, 1:50 PM

Breaking Humanity's Chain of Pain: Mentoring Psychospiritual Maturation and Inclusive Community

Breaking Humanity's Chain of Pain is an ethical responsibility that we share as faculty, students, professionals, and citizens. This wheel of suffering is a toxic, repetitive, inter-generational cycle of trauma, dysfunctional and broken families, moral indifference to victimization of the other, and despair. It creates an escalating pattern of destructive emotions, substance dependence, violence, constricted empathic capacities, interpersonal and inter-group conflicts, and profound personal disconnection from the compassionate wisdom that can be experienced in the existential core of each person's being. In schools and higher education, Humanity's Chain of Pain undermines inclusive community, engaged learning, and academic success.

During his forty-year career as a mental health clinician, university professor, and social science researcher, Dr. Jared Kass has investigated the psychological and social dynamics through which Humanity's Chain of Pain perpetuates itself so effectively and perniciously. As an antidote, he has developed and tested a curriculum, Know Your Self, that promotes healing in self and society. Specifically, the curriculum mentors growth in five dimensions of self and society which can become dysregulated by Humanity's Chain of Pain: Bio-Behavioral, Cognitive-Sociocultural, Social-Emotional, Existential-Spiritual, and Integrative Worldview Formation.

In A Person-Centered Approach to Psychospiritual Maturation: Mentoring Psychological Resilience and Inclusive Community in Higher Education (Palgrave MacMillan), Kass reports results from his research project and describes the curriculum.

This presentation will discuss the five dimensions of psychospiritual development, how this growth can heal Humanity's Chain of Pain, and how this growth can help individuals build culturally-inclusive community and compassionate connections to self and others.