"An Exploration of Success Factors from the Perspectives of Development" by Stacy Atkinson

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

PHD - Doctor of Philosophy




Students who enter college underprepared for college-level coursework face tremendous barriers, including referral to one or more levels of developmental education. However, the requirement to complete developmental mathematics often becomes a primary barrier for students ever being able to complete a degree. Students who enter underprepared for college-level coursework and also identify as first-generation face even larger barriers to realizing success. Given this reality, community colleges – where most developmental education programs are housed – are seeking ways to better support students needing remediation to increase their chances of success and completion. Using the recently implemented co-requisite model of instruction in a community college, this qualitative research with first-generation students examines the influence of successfully taking developmental and college-level mathematics courses during the same semester. Fifteen participants were interviewed in an effort to learn the key factors to which they attribute their success through the developmental mathematics course. The Voice-Centered Relational Method of analysis was used and I-Poems constructed from each participant interview. Students attributed their success in the developmental mathematics co-requisite model coursework to six key factors. Key factors supporting student success that emerged from the data analysis of participant interviews were instructor practices, institutional supports, familial support, classroom environment, setting an example, and class format. Findings from this study have implications for community college administrators, faculty, and students, high school personnel, and families of community college students.



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