"A Literature Review on how Landy's Role Theory and Role Method might b" by Chabreah Alston

Date of Award

Spring 5-18-2018

Document Type


Degree Name

MA - Master of Arts


Expressive Therapies


Jason Butler


Research regarding drama therapy with the physically disabled population was published over 20 years ago, detailing the use of guided imagery and storytelling with this population. There is a lack of information available about specific drama therapy techniques and theories used with this population. In addition to the previous statement, there is a lack of therapeutic services available to this population. Robert Landy’s Role Theory and Role Method in drama therapy, uses a taxonomy of roles that consists of a health classification with the role type of Physically Disabled or Deformed (see also Beast), and a role subtype of Deformed as Transcendent, but information regarding the use of Landy’s taxonomy with the population has not been found. This is one of the many themes and concepts reviewed in this paper. Other themes and concepts include; the lack of drama therapy and psychotherapy with the physical disabled population, Role Theory, and Robert Landy’s Role Theory and Role Method in drama therapy. The literature reviewed in this paper supports the use of Landy’s Role Theory and Role Method with individuals with decreased or no mobility in developing alternative roles for further use when working with this drama therapy technique.

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