Date of Award
Spring 5-18-2019
Document Type
Degree Name
MA - Master of Arts
Expressive Therapies
Christine Mayor
In a society that promotes a “thin ideal”, it can be difficult for women to accept their bodies. Body positivity is a combination of positive body image, self-confidence, and body acceptance regardless of size, shape, or weight of the body (Caldeira & Ridder, 2017; Dalley & Vidal, 2013; Halliwell, 2015; Wood-Barcalow, Tylka, & Augustus-Horvath, 2010). This literature review presents an overview of the research conducted on body positivity and storytelling, finding that there are limited interventions currently being used to promote body positivity. A review of the existing literature suggests that storytelling might be an appropriate and successful drama therapy intervention to facilitate body positivity in young women and be used to give voice to diverse populations and communities. This paper ends with a number of recommendations based on existing research for drama therapists on how to incorporate storytelling for those seeking increased body positivity. Ideas for future research are also discussed.
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.
Recommended Citation
Slaughter, Natalie, "How can Storytelling Facilitate Body Positivity in Young Women Struggling with their Bodies?: Literature Review" (2019). Expressive Therapies Capstone Theses. 119.
The author owns the copyright to this work.