"Music Therapy Assisted Childbirth in the United States: A Critical Lit" by Sydney Mohr

Date of Award

Spring 5-18-2019

Document Type


Degree Name

MCM - MA Clinical Mental Health Counseling


Expressive Therapies


Rebecca Zarate


Music therapy assisted childbirth is an approach of music therapy in which a licensed and credentialed professional utilizes music therapy interventions to address a variety of goals during childbirth. There is a lack of literature and missing knowledge on the topic, associated with an increased rate in traumatic birth cases, mothers with post-traumatic stress disorder, and postpartum anxiety and depression. The literature review provides a summary of the historical context of feminist theory and feminism, as well as brief descriptions of music therapy, guided imagery and music, and familiar music interventions. One of the primary goals of this type of treatment is pain reduction. The focus of this literature review will primarily be to identify the efficacy of music therapy in reducing labor pain. Through the literature review, commonly used music therapy interventions for labor will be identified, as well as their effectiveness in managing pain, reducing anxiety, and promoting a positive birth experience. In order to do this, the history of feminism and feminist theory, music therapy practice, and obstetrics will be examined. Secondarily, this literature review will address the accessibility of music therapy assisted childbirth within the United States.

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