Date of Award
Spring 5-17-2019
Document Type
Degree Name
MAE - Master of Arts in Expressive Therapies
Expressive Therapies
Dr. Elizabeth Kellogg
Research has shown that trauma has serious effects on a person throughout their lifespan and can often be linked with mental illness. This is significant because individuals with mental illness who have experienced trauma may be hospitalized at an inpatient psychiatric facility at some point in their lifetime. Because patients in an inpatient level of care are in crisis, it would be inappropriate to provide trauma treatment. Instead, the focus of an inpatient stay is on safety and stabilization. However providing trauma-informed care at an inpatient facility is vital for all levels of acuity. This means providing care that is appropriate for all, including those with a trauma history. This literature review discusses trauma, the inpatient hospital experience, and the implications for providing trauma-informed expressive art therapy to adults at an inpatient facility.
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.
Recommended Citation
Kenyon, Megan, "Trauma-Informed Expressive Arts Therapy for Adults at a Short-Term Inpatient Psychiatric Hospital" (2019). Expressive Therapies Capstone Theses. 196.
The author owns the copyright to this work.