"Queering Music Therapy: Literature Review of Queer Music Therapy and M" by Eva M. Steward

Date of Award

Spring 5-18-2019

Document Type


Degree Name

MA - Master of Arts


Expressive Therapies


Rebecca Zarate


This capstone thesis presents current research on the queer (LGBTQ+) community and music therapy. Research on the education of music therapists in working with queer identified clients and patients as well as the current theories and recommendations when providing affirming music therapy for queer clients and patients is discussed. Queer theory is defined and its relationship to psychotherapy, expressive arts therapies, and music therapy is explored. This research shows that even though there is a current push for music therapists to create an affirming and therapeutic environment with queer clients and patients, there is a lack of research, education, and appropriate clinical recommendations for music therapists to adequately complete this task. Recommendations are made for further research on how music therapy is currently is utilized with queer individuals and how music therapists can be better educated on working with queer individuals. This paper suggests that growth in the body of knowledge on both areas, will advance the field of music therapy to become more diverse.

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