"How Choreometrics Reflects Self-identity and Self-concept Through Cult" by Naowarat Buddee

Date of Award

Spring 5-16-2020

Document Type


Degree Name

MA - Master of Arts


Expressive Therapies


Meg Chang, Ed.D., BC-DMT



This arts-based autoethnography research aims to analyze the researcher’s personal reflections of cultural embodied experiences through the connection of Thai cultural dance movements, cultural patterns, and expressive behaviors in Thai cultural contexts. These also reflected the researcher’s personal-identity and self-concept. As cultural dance has impacts on social structures and human behaviors both physically and psychologically in social interactions throughout the developmental lifespan, the researcher was inspired by the concept of Choreometrics to look closely at personal dance experiences in relation to Thai culture. This autoethnography is a case study of the researcher who identifies as Thai and reflects her experiences through the lens of an international student in the US. This paper also indicates how cultural dance/movement pieces can be effective therapeutic tools for an individual’s reflecting and enhancing self-identities and self-concepts in different cultural environments. This case study may be beneficial for therapists to recognize the layers of one’s sense of self through cultural embodiments for current and future international students as well as for different types of immigrants or refugees in therapy sessions.

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