"Clay: Qualities, Benefits, and Therapeutic Applications A Literature R" by Sara Hansen

Date of Award

Spring 5-19-2018

Document Type


Degree Name

MA - Master of Arts


Expressive Therapies


Krystal Demaine


Clay is ubiquitous. It is uniquely durable and plastic. It is a substance sourced from the earth that has been manipulated in numerous ways and used for a variety of purposes for thousands of years. Despite this, art therapy research is heavily focused on art making using two-dimensional materials. Research is lacking regarding the use of clay as a medium in art therapy. This literature review revealed many therapeutic benefits and qualities about clay. These qualities include increasing mood in psychiatric patients, increasing progress in self-development for patients with schizophrenia, increasing self-expression with older adults, and healing from trauma. This literature review intends to present relevant research on the unique characteristics of clay as a material used throughout history, the sensory processing of clay and the various ways clay can be used throughout art therapy as an effective treatment tool.

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