Date of Award
Spring 5-19-2018
Document Type
Degree Name
MAE - Master of Arts in Expressive Therapies
Expressive Therapies
Catherine Borbotsina
This paper will explore the impact that dance movement therapy (DMT) has for people living with HIV. DMT is an evidence-based modality that engages the body in the therapeutic process for individuals and groups in various settings. DMT has been shown to increase social connectedness, empathy and body awareness in many populations; however, there is a lack of research using DMT as an intervention for people with concealable stigma. Concealable stigma is an experience of oppression that can often be hidden or concealed. To explore this, four DMT sessions were implemented with people living with HIV. These sessions were analyzed using Laban Movement Analysis to assess for patterns of movement related to the experience of stigma and oppression. Patterns of movement emerged that reveal both the experience of and the relationship to stigma. These patterns were then discussed in a broader conversation about how people living with HIV experience stigma, how it impacts their relationships and how DMT can support the process of decreasing the negative impacts of concealable stigma.
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 License.
Recommended Citation
Jezorski, Elizabeth, "Patterns of Stigma: Dance Therapy as an Intervention Method for People Living with HIV" (2018). Expressive Therapies Capstone Theses. 5.
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