Date of Award

Fall 9-15-2021

Document Type


Degree Name

MA - Master of Arts


Expressive Therapies


Carla Velazquez-Garcia


The Circle of Courage is a framework based on Native principles of childrearing that identifies four major components of healthy human development. When fulfilled, these areas of development provide a strong foundation of resilience to life challenges. However, with youth of today these basic developmental needs are often unmet, leaving them at risk for maladaptive coping strategies, behavioral problems, and other challenges as they transition into adulthood. Although extensive work has been done to adapt the Circle of Courage framework to clinical settings, there is little information on how to help youth engage in a process of self-reflection within this framework to aid in healing areas of development that remain unfulfilled. Art therapy provides an important method for promoting positive feelings of self-worth and competence, which can serve to help heal these unfulfilled developmental areas. The purpose of this thesis is to explore the use of art therapy, as a means for clients to engage in a self-reflective process of their own strengths and risks within the Circle of Courage framework, as well as to promote insight and healing through the use of art.

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