Date of Award

Spring 5-21-2022

Document Type


Degree Name

MA - Master of Arts


Expressive Therapies


Dr. Lee Ann Thill


The aim of this literature review is to highlight the impact dance/movement therapy has on individuals who have experienced segregated housing in a correctional facility and the mental health effects segregation may cause. The negative effects this housing may cause will be explored. This exploration will include related applications of dance/movement therapy (DMT), demonstrating how in past research it has been shown to improve different mental health symptoms. Though dance/movement therapy is not as readily available to the prison population, the intention of this thesis is to investigate expressive arts, specifically DMT, as a treatment modality for inmate mental health. Dance/movement therapy studies will show the effectiveness of DMT and the benefits, both physical and mental. Individuals in segregation have diagnosed mental health illness and dance/movement therapy is proven to increase positive symptoms of these illnesses. This thesis intends to find research supporting alternatives to segregation and the negative effects it can have on individuals, while advocating for expanded access to expressive arts therapies for this population.

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