Date of Award

Spring 5-21-2022

Document Type


Degree Name

MA - Master of Arts


Expressive Therapies


Denise Malis


Chronic pain is one of the most prominent physical health challenges in the United States. It is a health condition where people have not only debilitating physical pain but also mental health distress. With this combination of physical and mental symptoms, people with chronic pain must get good quality care. To properly support those with chronic pain, healthcare practitioners must be educated in caring for patients to better treat and understand them. This thesis searched for literature on chronic pain and art therapy to determine the benefits of art therapy for people with chronic pain. This search was conducted online using several bibliographic databases, including APA PsycArticles, ProQuest, and Academic Search Premier websites. The search was limited to articles published from 2000 to the present. This search supported the notion that art therapy can significantly improve the quality of life of those with chronic pain. Most significantly, art therapy can help those with chronic pain communicate and instill hope. Art therapy helps patients communicate their experiences with others and offers a chance to change their outlook on life regarding their pain and suffering through hope. In this research, it was important to recognize the impact of cultural and socio-economic barriers and impact on those with chronic pain, including the expensive cost of care for lower-income individuals or individuals in an area where care is not easily accessible.

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