Date of Award

Fall 9-15-2022

Document Type


Degree Name

MA - Master of Arts


Expressive Therapies


Donna C. Owens


This critical literature review investigates the use of music therapy and cognitive behavioral therapy-based treatments for use in early psychosis intervention with adolescents and young adults. It examines the format of cognitive behavioral therapy for psychosis (CBTp), music therapy, and cognitive behavioral music therapy (CBMT) treatments and the effectiveness of the treatments in reducing symptoms of psychosis. The literature reviewed consists of peer-reviewed journals, books, essays, and research studies that address the theory, structure, application, and outcomes of treatment for psychosis in first-episode cases. The literature is organized by introducing the presentation of first-episode psychosis, then by review of CBTp, music therapy, and CBMT treatments. The discussion addresses the strengths and weaknesses of the literature and calls for further research to expand the potential for a composite early intervention CBMT treatment for psychosis in first-episode patients.

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