"Redefining Anger for Sexual and Gender Minorities Using Art as a Visua" by Kirsten Ranheim

Date of Award

Spring 5-3-2023

Document Type


Degree Name

MA - Master of Arts


Expressive Therapies


Denise Malis


Art therapy is an increasingly popular approach for addressing trauma and anger in clinical settings. This literature review explores the connections between art therapy, trauma, gender, and anger, drawing on a range of studies and theoretical perspectives. Background is provided on the history of anger within the context of societal institutions, interpersonal power dynamics, psychiatric nosology, and social justice movements. The review concludes that art therapy is ideally suited as a trauma-informed approach to addressing anger in the therapeutic setting. This is due to the unique opportunities that art making provides for helping individuals express and process their emotions nonverbally, develop emotional regulation skills, and promote healing.

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