Date of Award

Spring 5-21-2023

Document Type


Degree Name

MA - Master of Arts


Expressive Therapies


Dr. Lee Ann Thill


A community engagement project was created and implemented, comprised of a one-time workshop utilizing expressive arts therapies to address the impact of covid-19 on educators. In this thesis, there is a review of the literature regarding collective healing within communities and addressing the needs of educators within the changing education system, with a particular focus on expressive arts therapies. The workshop engaged educators in a creative process to identify where they find meaning and purpose in their lives and how they identify themselves within their community of educators. Results suggest that community engagement using the arts can be an effective way to cope with and process the impacts of covid-19 on professional and personal lives. Future research could focus on other factors impacting educators’ well-being, including socioeconomic and resource-based limitations as well as the important role that educators have in society's youth.

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