Date of Award

Spring 5-18-2024

Document Type


Degree Name

MAE - Master of Arts in Expressive Therapies


Expressive Therapies


Dr. E. Kellogg


This literature review offers an overview of the mental health of oncology care team members, medical professionals as well as oncology floor hospital staff, and the therapeutic benefits of expressive therapies on that specific population. Working on an oncology floor means interacting with patients and their loved ones at a time of utmost suffering, uncertainty, and possible death. This environment presents risks of burnout, compassion fatigue, and a sense of isolation for the medical and non-medical professionals working with cancer patients. The results of qualitative, quantitative, and art-based studies conducted pre-and post-Covid-19 pandemic show multi-faceted and multi-layered positive impacts of expressive-arts-therapy interventions on the care team and staff members and on that milieu overall. Based on the conclusions of the studies selected for this review, the author presents three types of expressive arts interventions with mindful self-care, grief and loss processing, and vicarious resilience as goals. The author recorded their thesis research and writing process through mixed-media art-journaling after each work session.

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