Date of Award

Spring 5-18-2024

Document Type


Degree Name

MA - Master of Arts


Expressive Therapies


Dr. E Kellogg


This literature review is an inquiry into the role of food in dance/movement therapy (DMT). It aims to deepen the understanding of how essential nutritional requirements, nourishment, and an individual's relationship with food can integrate into the practice of a dance/movement therapist. The review explores the impact of nutrition on physical energy and brain function, underscoring its significance. It also examines factors influencing food choices and delves into the historical relationship between dancers and food and DMT's connection with eating disorders. Ultimately, the review proposes practical methods for DMT practitioners to integrate this knowledge into their work by introducing a new framework, emphasizing nutrition's role, and using a person-centered approach in supporting the mind-body connection in therapeutic movement.

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