"The Anatomical Embodiment of Morning Routines in the Reduction of Anxi" by Natalie Wright

Date of Award

Spring 4-21-2024

Document Type


Degree Name

MA - Master of Arts


Expressive Therapies


Dr. E Kellogg


The topic under investigation is whether physically embodying a morning routine that was designed through the lens of Laban Bartenieff Movement Analysis (LBMA) will reduce daily symptoms of individuals diagnosed with Generalized Anxiety Disorder.

Since morning routines play a significant part in one’s preparation for the day, I created an individualized LBMA morning routine for a specific client to embody. In addition to the routine, the client documented the process of their anxiety levels on a weekly basis. This client was a white, female, 19-year-old, lesbian college student who was previously diagnosed with Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD). The movement analysis was conducted in a therapeutic office through a strength-based conversation in direct contact with the client.

The client showed improvement in anxiety symptoms after implementing the individualized LMBA morning routine. Disruptions in the established routine impacted gains. After five weeks the client reported, “I even began to look forward to my morning routine the night before because I knew my morning was exact in timing.”

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