Date of Award

Spring 5-18-2024

Document Type


Degree Name

MAE - Master of Arts in Expressive Therapies


Expressive Therapies


Basel Zayed


The benefits of therapeutic songwriting (TS) in the context of music therapy sessions are well-documented. As music therapists are sometimes given brief periods in which to work, a method of therapeutic songwriting wherein the music therapist divides the writing process into multiple short sessions would be useful. This capstone thesis details the development of such a method. The researcher enacted this method with a group of youth who participated in an arts program in Massachusetts that utilized a resource-oriented approach. After each TS session, the researcher recorded the participants' reactions to the intervention's application. The researcher coded the reactions using inductive analysis and found themes. Results indicated that the most common reactions of the participants were engagement and pleasure. As resource-oriented music therapy counts engagement and pleasure among its aims, the researcher concluded that the developed method had potential benefits as a TS intervention. Quantitative research into the relative efficacy of short and long-session songwriting interventions and task-divided (TD) and full songwriting sessions is recommended.

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