Date of Award

Spring 5-18-2024

Document Type


Degree Name

MA - Master of Arts


Expressive Therapies


Dr. Laura Wood


Within the last several years, the field of intimacy direction and coordination has grown exponentially, both in usage within theatre and film and within public consciousness. Contributing to this rise is an increased awareness of and consideration for the potential psychological and emotional harm of production processes on performers. Both intimacy directors and drama therapists are uniquely equipped to handle such concerns: intimacy directors, due to their their frequent engagement with sensitive and potentially activating material, and drama therapists, due to their background in and understanding of both artistic and clinical processes.This thesis presents the process and results of a workshop for drama therapists in training and intimacy professionals. The workshop explored the similarities of the professions and the ways in which practitioners in both fields can borrow and learn from each other. Findings from both the literature and the workshop revealed common philosophies within the profession, including a focus on social justice and trauma considerations, as well as shared practices such as the use of dramatic rituals and de-roling.

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