Date of Award

Spring 5-4-2024

Document Type


Degree Name

MA - Master of Arts


Expressive Therapies


Chyela Rowe


This literature review attempts to address the complex nature of couples work using a dance/movement therapy (DMT) intervention technique called mirroring. This is explored to see if mirroring can advance a couple’s level of attachment, intimacy, empathy, and attunement. The literature review gives an overview of topics such as couples therapy work, DMT, dance/movement therapy for couples (DMT-C), attunement, attachment theory, intimacy, and empathy. The review concludes with a discussion surrounding the DMT intervention of mirroring. The methodology applied focuses on DMT-C as a treatment modality to bring focus on using the mirroring intervention to build attachment and attunement. This therapeutic intervention strategy was designed for couples who have varied attachment styles with the hopes that it will increase intimacy, empathy, and attunement amongst the couple seeking services.

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