"A Mindful Education Course for Preservice Teachers" by Elizabeth Henderson

Date of Award

Summer 7-26-2019

Document Type


Degree Name

MA - Master of Arts


Mindfulness Studies

First Advisor

Melissa Jean, MFA, PhD



Currently, there are few opportunities for preservice teacher instruction in mindful education or mindfulness-based interventions (MBIs) despite research that has shown the possibility of positive benefits such as increased attention, focus, self-awareness, emotional-regulation, self-efficacy, and compassion, as well as a reduction in the negative aspects of unhealthy stress, tension, and burnout. A course in mindful education specifically designed for inclusion in teacher education programs would address this educational gap and could be a significant benefit to teacher candidates, early-career teachers, and their future students.

This creative thesis is a college course on the theory, research, and practice of mindful education based in learning-centered and contemplative pedagogies. The purpose of this project is to add value and content to preservice teacher education by informing teacher candidates of the possibilities of benefit that can come from both a personal mindfulness practice and introduction of mindful techniques to students.

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