"Syllabus Development of a Mindful Exploration of Contemplative Chantin" by Edwin Ebinger

Date of Award

Summer 9-21-2021

Document Type


Degree Name

MA - Master of Arts


Mindfulness Studies

First Advisor

Melissa Jean

Second Advisor

Andrew Olendzki


Contemplative chanting has a long history across a broad cross section of the world’s civilizations. However, with the modern American acceptance and expansion of Eastern-based contemplative practices, chanting has not at present firmly established itself. Within this context, further investigation into the physiological and neurological effects of chanting, the various ritualistic traditions and purported transformational effects of chanting, and the role of chanting within the modern American mindfulness movement is warranted. To this end, a syllabus for graduate level study is developed herein based upon a literature review of the existing English-language discourse, the Lesley University Mindfulness Studies program design, and the author’s own contemplative practice experience.

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