"Exposure to Mindfulness Basics Through Existing Habits: A Brief 5-Week" by Meredith Tedford

Date of Award

Fall 9-2022

Document Type


Degree Name

MA - Master of Arts


Mindfulness Studies

First Advisor

Dr. Melissa Jean

Second Advisor

Dr. Andrew Olendzki


This thesis explores the mind-body connection inherent in both physical exercise and mindfulness and how habit-formation can play a key role in introducing regular exercisers to the benefits of mindful practice. New habits are established when they are linked to established daily routines through small modifications to existing patterns of behavior, but this runs counter to how traditional mindfulness practice is typically taught. By providing exercisers with a limited time-commitment and fully integrated opportunity to learn and practice both formal and informal practice as part of weekly exercise, that practice is more likely to be durable. The approach presented here is a brief, five-week, introductory mindfulness curriculum called Mind-PLANK, designed for exercisers, and delivered as an adjunct to fitness class as an extension of post-workout recovery. The focus and intention of the curriculum is to de-mystify mindfulness by teaching some basic tools and tenets of practice so that they may be more easily incorporated as part of an overall healthy lifestyle.

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