"Unlocking Creativity in the Visual Arts: Using Mindfulness and Open Aw" by Erin Gocinski

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

MA - Master of Arts


Mindfulness Studies

First Advisor

Melissa Jean

Second Advisor

Andrew Olendzki


An artist's creativity is a vital resource, so it is important to nourish this internal phenomenon and develop helpful techniques when they experience a creative block. Researchers have discovered that mindfulness and meditation positively affect artists' ability to access creative insight. The research reviewed in this rationale paper demonstrates beneficial experiences for artists who are trying to foster creativity or move beyond a creative block. After reviewing research, there were common threads linking the reasons for artists’ creative blocks and the positive impacts of mindfulness and meditation. The creative project is a handbook designed for artists and provides information, meditative practices, creative exercises, and reflection questions developed to support visual artists on their creative journeys. While the discussion around mindfulness and meditation's impact on creativity for a visual artist is a niche topic, there is still room for continuing research in this field. Current research supports that offerings such as a handbook that provides mindfulness and meditation exercises can positively contribute to visual artists who wish to foster their creative exploration.
