"Understanding Grief Through the Eyes of a Child (Ages 3-12): Mindfulne" by Clare Duplace

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

MA - Master of Arts


Mindfulness Studies

First Advisor

Melissa Jean

Second Advisor

Andrew Olendzki


This study demonstrates how mindfulness and other mindful modalities can be supportive tools for children experiencing grief and loss. The literature reflects the importance of understanding the ways in which children grieve at varying ages and developmental stages, facilitating grief and death-related conversations, the connection between mindfulness and grief and the use of mindfulness-based interventions within the realms of grief and death. This thesis is supported through findings from peer-reviewed articles, books, podcasts, activities, and meditations. The creative project aims to reflect that grief and loss-related experiences can be openly talked about and supported through appropriate resources and mindful modalities for parents/caregivers, to use with their children. Conclusions and implications for future study include the continuous study of appropriate age-related understanding, supportive tools for children holding grief as an individualized journey, while also shedding light on the importance of grieving in community, and the invaluable connection between conscious living and mindful grieving, as preparation for the inevitability of life.

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Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.


