"The Effects of Meditation on Stress in High School Students" by Cara Szeghy and Cara Szeghy

Date of Award

Spring 5-2023

Document Type


Degree Name

MA - Master of Arts


Mindfulness Studies

First Advisor

Melissa Jean

Second Advisor

Andrew Olendzki



Young people today face many challenges including stress from social relationships, academic pressures at school, racism, social injustice, and the pandemic. This paper examines the efficacy of using practical and accessible meditation techniques to help decrease stress in high school students. Prior research on some of the causes of stress within this age group, including the history of mindfulness, the attention economy, incorporation of techniques into classroom curricula, and teaching meditation techniques to the high school age population, is explored. Further research on the benefits of teaching meditation to high school students, including a thorough examination of the complex barriers to students of color, is warranted. This paper presents a literature review and insights gleaned from primary research to demonstrate that meditation techniques are a viable intervention for high school students in managing their stress levels.

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