Date of Award

Spring 1-15-2024

Document Type


Degree Name

MA - Master of Arts


Mindfulness Studies

First Advisor

Melissa Jean

Second Advisor

Andrew Oledzki


Mindfulness meditation is a self-regulation practice that cultivates and grounds attention and awareness in the present moment to enhance voluntary cognitive control of the physical and mental state of being. This practice positively impacts calmness, clarity, and concentration. Multiple reviews and meta-analyses have consistently demonstrated mindfulness significant physical and psychological health benefits. Despite mainstream interest and popularity, most mindfulness teaching in America omits the concept of nonself and other specific core contents of the practice. The comprehensive Buddhist teachings of dhamma (universal truth about self, the human condition, and the nature of our existence) can be a valuable and appropriate addition to mindfulness training. It could significantly improve the outcomes in a secular setting. This research showcases the positive correlations in three fields of study: the neuroscience of consciousness and contemplative practice, focusing on the sense of self; positive psychology, focusing on the concept of flow; and mindfulness practice, comprising of the nonself concept. The author proposes that current neuroscience research provides pertinent and compelling reasons to introduce the nonself perspective to the secular mindfulness curriculum to attain richer benefits and results. This inquiry explores the merit of mindfulness and nonself mindset in fostering happiness and flourishing through the stewardship of the three senses of self (agency, embodiment, and narrative), defined by neuroscientists.

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