Date of Award

Spring 5-5-2018

Document Type


Degree Name

MA - Master of Arts


Mindfulness Studies

First Advisor

Melissa Jean, MFA, Ph.D

Second Advisor

Nancy Waring, MA, Ph.D.


Grief resulting due to death of a loved one is devastating and life altering. Traditional

approaches, in the Western cultures, to support grieving persons usually include counseling, grief therapies and grief support groups. Grief is a unique experience for each person; however, common responses are observable. Mindfulness based interventions and compassion practices have become acceptable ways to support conditions including stress, anxiety, depression, fatigue and sleep disorders. Some of these symptoms are also present with grief. Grieving persons may not be familiar with mindfulness based interventions or practices. They may not be considered as qualified participants for these programs in the early stages of their grief process. Grief may also cause social isolation. Grief support groups as a form of social support are inconsistent. Using mindfulness to support grief is currently in a nascent stage. The accompanying program, or curriculum, was developed to support grieving persons, from the early onset of their grief process, with foundations and structures that combine mindfulness with special emphasis on compassion and community.


