Commonthought is a literary magazine that features Lesley student works. It was first published in 1989 under the title The Open Door, which featured creative writing and artwork from Lesley College students. The title changed in 1990 to Womanthought and in 1993 became Commonthought.
Please refer to the Lesley College Publications, Literary Magazines Finding Aid to learn more about the collection.
Commonthought, Vol 10 (Spring 1999)
Commonthought Staff
This issue features works created by Lesley University students and covers a broad range of topics. The work itself crosses many disciplines from creative writing to visual arts.
Commonthought Vol.9 (1998)
Commonthought Staff
This issue features works created by Lesley University students and covers a broad range of topics. The work itself crosses many disciplines from creative writing to visual arts.
Commonthought (Spring 1997)
Commonthought Staff
This issue features works created by Lesley University students and covers a broad range of topics. The work itself crosses many disciplines from creative writing to visual arts.
Commonthought Vol.7 (1996)
Commonthought Staff
This issue features works created by Lesley University students and covers a broad range of topics. The work itself crosses many disciplines from creative writing to visual arts.
Commonthought Vol.6 (1995)
Commonthought Staff
This issue features works created by Lesley University students and covers a broad range of topics. The work itself crosses many disciplines from creative writing to visual arts.
Commonthought (Fall 1994)
Lesley College
This issue features works created by Lesley University students and covers a broad range of topics. The work itself crosses many disciplines from creative writing to visual arts.
Commonthought, Vol 4, No 1 (Spring 1993)
Commonthought Staff
This issue features works created by Lesley University students and covers a broad range of topics. The work itself crosses many disciplines from creative writing to visual arts.
Womanthought (1991)
Womanthought Staff
This issue features works created by Lesley University students and covers a broad range of topics. The work itself crosses many disciplines from creative writing to visual arts.
Womanthought (1990)
Womanthought Staff
This issue features works created by Lesley University students and covers a broad range of topics. The work itself crosses many disciplines from creative writing to visual arts.
The Open Door (May 1989)
Lesley College Students
The Open Door was the initial issue of the Lesley’s student publication of creative writing and artwork. The Open Door then became Womanthought and later Commonthought.