Proposal Title

The Meaning of Employment within the Context of Disability

Presenter Information

Jason Hulteen, Lesley University


Most research examining the employment of adults with disabilities utilizes a quantitative model to understand dimensions such as rate of employment and hours worked. While useful, this data does not tell the entire story of one’s experience as an employee. In order to achieve a more comprehensive understanding of the subjective meaning of employment for persons with disabilities, qualitative research is necessary. This presentation will propose a qualitative study guided by the question: what is the meaning of employment for adults with disabilities?

Author Type


Start Date

24-3-2017 1:00 PM

End Date

24-3-2017 1:50 PM

Presentation Type



Labor Economics | Labor Relations | Public Affairs, Public Policy and Public Administration

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Mar 24th, 1:00 PM Mar 24th, 1:50 PM

The Meaning of Employment within the Context of Disability

U-Hall 2-078

Most research examining the employment of adults with disabilities utilizes a quantitative model to understand dimensions such as rate of employment and hours worked. While useful, this data does not tell the entire story of one’s experience as an employee. In order to achieve a more comprehensive understanding of the subjective meaning of employment for persons with disabilities, qualitative research is necessary. This presentation will propose a qualitative study guided by the question: what is the meaning of employment for adults with disabilities?