Proposal Title

Hidden Issues in Jewish Adolescent Girls


Jewish girls’ issues are remarkably absent from conversations around multiculturalism and diversity. This workshop will highlight some of the unique challenges and strengths experienced by Jewish girls and identify strategies for building their resilience in an uncertain political climate.

Author Type


Start Date

24-3-2017 3:00 PM

End Date

24-3-2017 3:50 PM

Presentation Type



Inequality and Stratification | Jewish Studies | Politics and Social Change | Women's Studies

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Mar 24th, 3:00 PM Mar 24th, 3:50 PM

Hidden Issues in Jewish Adolescent Girls

U-Hall 3-100

Jewish girls’ issues are remarkably absent from conversations around multiculturalism and diversity. This workshop will highlight some of the unique challenges and strengths experienced by Jewish girls and identify strategies for building their resilience in an uncertain political climate.