Proposal Title

Ego Development, Defense Mechanisms, and Adaption in Transgender and Gender Nonconforming Individuals


This presentation talks about ego development, starting in early childhood, for transgender and gender nonconforming individuals and how that in turn manifests into defense mechanisms. These defense mechanisms are being misattributed to other factors as a result of societal stigmas that also play out in the immediate home, school community, and clinical atmospheres of the individual. Early psychoanalytic theories are used to explain the transgender and gender nonconforming individual's negative sense of self and low self-worth. This negative sense of self is then transformed into defense mechanisms which then have the power to destroy interpersonal relationships, career development, and academic achievements. By being well informed about the transgender and gender nonconforming community clinicians have the ability to help their clients understand the early impact of societal microaggressions on their sense of self and in turn defenses mechanisms. This awareness can assist clients on their road to healing and adaption.

Author Type

Graduate Student

Start Date

28-3-2018 12:10 PM

End Date

28-3-2018 1:00 PM

Presentation Type



Clinical Psychology | Counseling Psychology | Social Psychology | Theory and Philosophy

Full Text of Presentation


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Mar 28th, 12:10 PM Mar 28th, 1:00 PM

Ego Development, Defense Mechanisms, and Adaption in Transgender and Gender Nonconforming Individuals

U-Hall 2-078 or Atrium

This presentation talks about ego development, starting in early childhood, for transgender and gender nonconforming individuals and how that in turn manifests into defense mechanisms. These defense mechanisms are being misattributed to other factors as a result of societal stigmas that also play out in the immediate home, school community, and clinical atmospheres of the individual. Early psychoanalytic theories are used to explain the transgender and gender nonconforming individual's negative sense of self and low self-worth. This negative sense of self is then transformed into defense mechanisms which then have the power to destroy interpersonal relationships, career development, and academic achievements. By being well informed about the transgender and gender nonconforming community clinicians have the ability to help their clients understand the early impact of societal microaggressions on their sense of self and in turn defenses mechanisms. This awareness can assist clients on their road to healing and adaption.