Date of Award

Summer 9-15-2021

Document Type


Degree Name

PHD - Doctor of Philosophy


Expressive Therapies

First Advisor

Michell Kossak

Second Advisor

Jennifer Tantia

Third Advisor

Michele Forinash, Kelvin Ramirez



In this study, a sequence of visual, sound, and movement expression was utilized to explore how engagement in the intermodal combination influenced participants’ articulation of tacit, felt sense awareness associated with their creative process. The research questions were, “What are artists’ experiences of engagement in an intermodal expressive arts process?” and “How does engagement in non-verbal intermodal arts (visual art, sound/music, and dance/movement) influence participants’ articulation of tacit, felt sense awareness associated with their creative process?” This qualitative and arts-based study included participants (N = 5) over the age of 18 who were purposefully sampled based upon their having expertise (sustained engagement for at least 10 years) in one art form of visual art, sound/music, or movement/gesture. An interview followed a three-part intermodal art making process, and participants were asked to describe their sensory experiencing associated with engagement in their creative process. Findings suggest that for these participants an intermodal expressive arts combination heightened sensory experiencing for the amplification of implicit awareness. The intermodal art making process led participants to encounter the unfamiliar and new awareness came from attention paid to emerging experiencing. Each participant described arrival at a threshold where implicit awareness associated with engagement in their creative process met explicit realization of the ineffable qualities of their creative experiencing. A full account of experiencing, for these participants, included both language and intermodal art expression.

Creative Commons License

Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License
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