Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

PHD - Doctor of Philosophy


Expressive Therapies


Four music therapy educators participated in semi-structured, in-depth interviews as part of a qualitative study. The purpose of this study was to explore the phenomena of feminist pedagogy as experienced by music therapy educators using phenomenological inquiry. The study examined the following research questions: (a) do music therapy educators use feminist music therapy pedagogy in teaching music therapy, (b) if so, how do they use feminist music therapy pedagogy, (c) what is their experience in using feminist music therapy pedagogy, and (d) how do feminist music therapy educators define their use of feminist pedagogy in undergraduate and graduate music therapy education. Each interview lasted from 1 ½-3 hours. Data were analyzed according to Giorgi’s (1975) phenomenological method and feminist theory. The researcher used member checking, inter-rater reliability, and triangulation of data (interviews, analytic memos, and music lyrics) to address issues of trustworthiness and dependability. Five categories were identified from the meaning units: (a) philosophical framework, (b) goals, (c) teaching methods, (d) institutional and social issues, and (e) backlash and response. A composite summary, discussion of the implications of the findings, consistency and inconsistency with the literature, limitations, revisiting of assumptions, personal reflections, guidelines for using FMTP, and areas for future research are included.



Number of Pages





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