"A Literature Review of Community Art Therapy with Youth in Inner City " by Jennifer Habeeb

Date of Award

Spring 5-18-2020

Document Type


Degree Name

MA - Master of Arts


Expressive Therapies


Rebecca Zarate


This literature review was developed to synthesize the research surrounding community-based art therapy with youth who reside in inner city communities of color. Youth of color in inner city communities face a number of different challenges such as low socioeconomic status, social inequality, discrimination, and lack of political representation. There is currently little research on the impact of art therapy and expressive arts interventions with this population, however; these interventions have shown to be effective in a number of different areas. Literature revealed that community-based art therapy with inner city youth of color has shown to increase self-esteem, decrease symptoms of anxiety and depression, and improve communication and community relationships. The aim of this research is to use the findings from the literature to improve awareness about community-based art therapy with this population with the intention that more research and interventions will be conducted in the future.

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