Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

MA - Master of Arts


Mindfulness Studies

First Advisor

Melissa Jean

Second Advisor

Andrew Olendzki


The rapid adoption of mindfulness in Western healthcare and psychological frameworks has exposed the complexity of defining this multifaceted concept across diverse contexts. To demonstrate the multidimensional nature of mindfulness, this analysis examines how Western psychological frameworks, representing its most recent adaptation, use varying terminology to describe it. By documenting the prevalence of these terminological variations, this paper makes a case for creating an expanded annotated glossary of modern mindfulness terms, arguing that examining diverse perspectives alongside their common elements enables a deeper understanding of the concept. The proposed glossary will capture and clarify a range of interpretations and applications of mindfulness across various settings. Just as no single perspective can fully reveal the nature of a concept, this approach enhances both the clarity and depth of mindfulness discourse while respecting its rich and varied conceptualizations.

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