Proposal Title

Families and Poverty: Integrating Research into Teaching, Learning, and Practice


Currently, 47 million US individuals live below the official federal poverty line. Critical research into the disproportionate incidence and impact on marginalized groups is necessary to better understand the impact of poverty in the US. Using an intersectional approach, doctoral students will present research on the impact of poverty on children; US welfare policy that addresses family poverty; and practices to support low-income single college students who are full–time workers and mothers.

Author Type

Graduate Student

Start Date

24-3-2017 6:40 PM

End Date

24-3-2017 7:30 PM

Presentation Type



Economic Policy | Income Distribution | Inequality and Stratification | Social Statistics | Social Welfare

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Mar 24th, 6:40 PM Mar 24th, 7:30 PM

Families and Poverty: Integrating Research into Teaching, Learning, and Practice

U-Hall 3-100

Currently, 47 million US individuals live below the official federal poverty line. Critical research into the disproportionate incidence and impact on marginalized groups is necessary to better understand the impact of poverty in the US. Using an intersectional approach, doctoral students will present research on the impact of poverty on children; US welfare policy that addresses family poverty; and practices to support low-income single college students who are full–time workers and mothers.